5 Common Culprits of Bleeding Gums in Dogs

If you’ve recently observed your dog’s gums bleeding, you might be worried about what’s causing it. As pet parents, we must know what’s causing their bleeding gums so we can react well to the situation. Now let’s discuss why your dog’s gums are bleeding to relieve your concern.

Why Your Dog’s Gums Are Bleeding

According to many pet experts, the condition of your dog’s mouth reflects its overall health. So if your pet is experiencing bleeding gums, this isn’t something you should disregard. Below we’ve enumerated five possible reasons for bleeding gums in canines to help address your problem.

1. Rotten or damaged teeth

If your dog has damaged teeth, they may rot and gradually break, crack, and splinter. Your canine will react to this by showing symptoms like decreased interest in consuming dry foods and chewing slower than usual. The affected area of your dog’s gums where their damaged teeth lie can get infected, causing it to bleed easily after chewing or eating.

2. Teething

A common cause of bleeding gums in puppies is usually teething. If you’ve recently adopted a canine younger than eight or six months of age and see its gums bleeding, it’s safe to presume that teething might be the culprit. Teething might last a couple of months, and your puppy’s bleeding gums will stop when their teething period is over.

The inflammation and pressure from teething can cause your furry companion to continue gnawing and chewing everything they find appealing, which might be frustrating. You can alleviate this problem by providing proper teething toys to your pup. To ensure your pet grows healthily, it’s also necessary that they receive all the essential care they need through the aid of a puppy vet. A puppy veterinarian can give valuable and tailored recommendations that promote healthy growth.

You may browse their website to learn more about what they do.

3. Penetration of foreign objects

Canines can experience bleeding gums or dental injuries from chewing toys or objects. Ingestion of hazardous substances to dogs, such as rat poison, antifreeze, chocolate, and other chemical agents in a home or garden, can potentially cause bleeding gums. If you notice your pet’s bleeding gums after consuming or chewing something, you should not delay seeing a dog dentist in Charlotte to determine the exact cause.

4. Gum disease

Just as gum disease affects people, so do dogs. It typically happens due to poor dental health and care. Bleeding gums is among the first indicators of periodontal disease in canines. If your canine displays symptoms like bleeding gums and you haven’t been hands-on with their dental care, it’s essential to respond immediately to prevent aggravating their situation.

Early stages of gum disease can be addressed by improving your pet’s oral hygiene. However, the more advanced stage of gum disease will require professional treatment and oral care from the veterinarian to treat the condition.

Neglected gum disease can cause systemic conditions affecting your pet’s internal organs. Being proactive in addressing your pet’s gum disease can save you a trip to a veterinary internal medicine professional should your pet display symptoms affecting its internal organs.

5. Oral tumors

Oral tumors can bleed and easily get damaged, as it sticks out and it’s often fragile. If your furry companion has an oral tumor, you should see it when you look into its mouth. However, sometimes oral tumors can’t be easily seen, so the best way to confirm is through a diagnosis performed by the vet.