Caring for Your Pet While on a Busy Schedule: A Quick Guide

Busy individuals who love to care for pets can find it challenging to balance their responsibilities and pet care. Some may recommend that you should stop owning a pet if you’re way too busy, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

Below are some valuable tips on how busy people can successfully care for their pet buddies:

1. Create a Pet Care Schedule and Stick to It

Planning ahead is crucial when balancing your job and pet care. Build a schedule that outlines your pet’s demands, such as feedings, walks, grooming, and more. Also, write down (or set reminders) of upcoming vet visits, vaccinations, or other activities. 

Getting everything documented will make it much easier to follow your plans and take better care of your pet. Meanwhile, it’s best to get in touch with your vet to get more details on how to organize your pet’s upcoming appointments, vaccinations, and other veterinary care.

2. Find Pet Care Services or Resources

Take advantage of the pet resources and services available to help lighten the burden. If you do not have time for daily walks, consider hiring a dog walker or doggy daycare service. You can also find a dog or cat boarding to look after them while you’re away.

If you don’t know any, ask for recommendations from close friends, family, or people you trust. In addition, looking online is a great way to locate pet boarding centers within your neighborhood. Just ensure to read reviews, ask questions, or even check out the centers before committing.

3. Delegate Pet Care Responsibilities

If you have a family, delegate responsibilities to other household members whenever possible. Even if it’s just once a week, having someone else take on some pet care duties can be a relief. In addition, keep a list of reliable close friends willing to care for your pets in emergencies. This will give you an assurance that your pets are taken care of when something urgent arises, and you can not do so.

4. Choose a Vet Clinic with Complete Services

Preferably, choose a veterinarian clinic as your go-to pet care provider that offers all the essential pet services. You should be able to obtain all the must-haves, such as food and nutrition guidance, parasite control products, health checks, vaccinations, and pet wellness exams.

A vet facility with complete services should also offer surgery, radiology, and diagnostic tests. This saves you time, energy, and money as you can have all your pet care needs taken care of in one place.

5. Spend Quality Time with Your Pet

When you’re not occupied, spare some time to spend quality bonding moments with your pet. Take your dog for a leisurely walk, or cuddle up on the couch. Spending quality time with your pet will undoubtedly make them feel happy and loved, and it doesn’t always involve activities needing a lot of effort.

Also, don’t neglect training your dog when you’re with them, even for a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes, 2 to 3 times a week. Training your pet will help you build a strong bond with them.

6. Look for a Playmate for Your Pet

If you can, find a playmate for your pet so it has someone to socialize with while you’re away. Dogs, in particular, will appreciate having another furry buddy to keep them company and play around.

If you’re concerned that they could be destructive when you leave them alone in your home, leave them with something to do, such as chewing playthings, hiding treats around your house, or playing a game of fetch. This will help them stay occupied and keep their mind active.

Plus, make sure that there are no toys or items that can be easily damaged or swallowed when left unwatched. If you can, walk your dogs prior to leaving the house so they will feel worn out and less likely to be destructive.

The Bottom Line: Should You Get a Pet When You’re Busy?

In the end, it’s up to you to decide if getting a pet when you’re busy is the right thing for you. But the most vital aspect you should consider is what’s fair for your pets. Though having an animal companion can bring tremendous joy and companionship, owning one also comes with accountabilities that require time, effort, and dedication.

Caring for a pet could be the best addition to your life if you’re confident that you can make time for appropriate pet care while managing your profession or studies. With careful planning and organizing, there’s no reason why someone who leads a frantic living can’t properly care for their beloved dogs or cats.